Kyoohoo Japanese Kokeshi Doll Akitsu (k12-4326)


SKU: k12-4326

Kyoohoo Japanese Kokeshi Doll Akitsu (k12-4326)

The Akitsu is koekshi of Japanese traditonal craftwork.
"Akitsu" means dragonfry in Japanese ancient word so that it is painted pair of dragonfries on blue and navy body.
The desing is simple but it's sophisticated.

Kokeshi Dolls are major dolls in Japan which are made from wood.
Their origin was in Edo era (1603A.D. - 1867A.D.) as souvenirs for the injured at hotsprings.
Since then kokeshi craftsmen's skills to make grains and paint was so developed that kokeshis became ornamental dolls.


made in Japan

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